JUDICIARY Latest Features

International Criminal Justice Day

On 17\r\nJuly, the world celebrates International Criminal Justice Day in honor of the\r\nanniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute, the founding treaty of the\r\nInternational Criminal Court (ICC).

The\r\ndate of 17 July was adopted by the Assembly of the States Parties during the\r\nReview Conference of the Rome Statute held in Kampala (Uganda) in June, 2011\r\nand marks the anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute, the founding\r\ntreaty of the International Criminal Court.


The day commemorates the\r\nlandmark steps that the international community is taking to reach to common\r\ngoal of global justice, and an opportunity for those who support justice around\r\nthe world to make their voices heard. We hope you will join us in commemorating\r\nthis day.

Posted 17th, July 2014
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